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Garantia’s financial statements and other financial reports are prepared in accordance with the Finnish Accounting Act, Limited Liability Companies Act and Insurance Companies Act, and in compliance with the decisions, regulations and guidelines issued by the public authorities supervising insurance companies.

Garantia is a part of the Taaleri Group. The Taaleri Group prepares consolidated financial statements complying with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These statements include reporting on Garantia. The financial reports and presentations and the disclosure policy of Taaleri Group are available at

Garantia publishes on its websites the report by the board of directors and financial statements (incl. auditors report) on a same date as Taaleri group publishes financial statements bulletin. Garantia publishes on its websites the summary of January-June on a same date as Taaleri group publishes its half year financial report. Garantia publishes the solvency and financial conditions report on its websites on a regulatory timeline. Taaleri group’s disclosury dates are available at

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