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Garantia implements responsible operating methods and complies with good governance and the principles of responsible investment in all its operations. Garantia complies with the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and is committed to taking into account the ESG (environmental, social, governance) impacts related to society and to the good governance of the companies it invests in in its investment operations. Find out more about Garantia’s Code of Conduct here.

Garantia’s responsible operations are guided by Taaleri’s responsibility policy to the extent applicable. Responsibility is an integral part of the Taaleri Group’s strategy. Find more about Taaleri’s corporate responsibility here.

Whistleblowing Channel

Garantia uses Taaleri Group’s whistleblowing channel, where anyone can anonymously report misconduct within the Group. Anonymous reports are brought to the attention of the Group’s internal control function, which initiates the necessary follow-up action.

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